Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Suggestopedia-Language Teaching Method

v  Backround
Ø  Definition: suggestopedia is a specific set of learning recommendation derived from suggestology, which lozanov describes as a science...concerned with the systematic study of the nonrational and/or nonconcious influences that human beings are constantly responding to.
Ø  Characteristic: the most cospicuous characteristics of suggestopedia are the decoration, furniture, and arrngement of the classroom, the use of the music, and the authoritative behavior of the teacher.
Ø  Acknowledges: Lozanov acknowledges ties in tradition to Yoga and Soviet psychology.
ü  From raja-yoaga Lozanov borrowed and modified techniques for altering state of conciousness and concentration, and the use of rhythmic breathing.
ü  From soviet psychology Lozanov has taken the notion that all students can be taught  a given subject matter at the same level of skill.
Ø  A most conspicuous feature of suggestopedia is the centrality of music and musical rhythm to learning.
Gaston(1968): Three function of music in therapy.
v  Approach: theory and learning
Six principal theoritical components through which desuggestion and suggestion operate and that set up access to reserves.
Ø  Authority: people remember best and are more influenced by information coming from the authoritative source.
Ø  Infantilization: authority is also used to suggest a teacher –students relation like that of parent to child.
Ø  Double-plannedness: the learners learn not only from the effect direct instraction but  from the environment in which the instruction takes place.
Ø  Intonation, Rhythm, and Concert Pseudo-passiveness:

v  Design: Objective, syllabus, learning activities, roles of learners, teachers and materials
Ø  The objectives of suggestopedia are to deliver advanced conversationalproficiency quickly.
Ø  Syllabus:
Ø  Learning activities used in method include imitation, question and answer, and role play-which are not activities ”that other language teachers would consider tobe out of the ordinary.”
Ø  Learners’ role are carefully prescribed. the mental state of learners is critical to success, which is why learners must forgo mind altering substances and other distractions and immerse themselves in the procedures of the method.
Ø  The primary role of the teacher is create situation in which the learner is most suggestible and then to present linguistic material in a way most likely to encourage positive reception and retention by the learner.
Ø  Materials consist of direct support materials, primarily text and tape. And indirect support materials, including classroom fixtures and music.
v  Procedure
Three distinct parts:
Ø  The first part might call an oral review section.
Ø  The second part of the class new material is presented and discussed
Ø  The third part – the séance or concert session – is the one by which Suggestopedia is best known.

1 komentar:

  1. Thanks a lot for great information about Suggestopedia Language .Really i think while teacher teaches Teacher should be ready with concerned subject ,Friendly atmosphere in the class room, Good communication with the students and also Interaction should be there while doing the lesson is very very important.A small question For U plz Solve it.What is a teaching APPROACH, METHOD and TECHNIQUE?
